Radioactive Contamination of Food in Japan
Food Safety Risk Assessment on Radioactive Nuclides in Foods
Relevant Informations
Information from related ministries and agencies
●Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet
●Reconstruction Agency |
●Consumer Affairs Agency
●Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
〇Information on the Great East Japan Earthquake –Food-
Restricted areas and vegetables for distribution and/or consumption are published here. Also monitoring results: areas and levels of radioactive contaminants in foods. |
●Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
○Great East Japan Earthquake |
●Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Information from International Organisations
●World Health Organization(WHO)
○Radiation emergencies |
Other related links
Working Group for an assessment of the effect of radioactive nuclides in food on health Meetings
Panel Members
All Concerned in Overseas ‐Message from chairperson of FSCJ
Here is a message from FSCJ chairperson Naoko Koizumi on April 8, 2011
Emergency Report on Radioactive Nuclides in Foods
- FSCJ released “Emergency Report on Radioactive Nuclides in Foods” on March 29, 2011.
Message from chairperson of Food Safety Commission of Japan (2011.7.26) [PDF]
Panel Members: Commission Members and Special Advisors[PDF]
Graphical explanation of “Emergency Report on Radioactive Nuclides in Foods” [PDF]